Friday, February 11, 2011

Fay Ku

The work of Fay Ku. I love the sparseness of these pieces, the use of materials, and the minimal use of color with her line work.

I've posted her work a few times on my tumblr, ever since discovering her work via arsvitaest.


  1. this may be a silly question, but how do you acquire such high-quality images of artwork showcased on your blog? is it all from the respective artists' websites, or do you scan images? just wondering.

  2. Lauren,
    It's not a silly question at all! These are from the artists' website. Sometimes I find artists' work on other sites, like artchive. Other things I've reposted from other people's blogs, like my post about Mud Pies and Other Recipes. For the post about Gnomes, I scanned my copy, because it doesn't really have a website or good high-quality images already online.


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