Sunday, July 25, 2010

my neighbor totoro animated gifs, part two

Some of you may be wondering, was another post about My Neighbor Totoro aniamted gifs really necessary? The answer is yes. Yes it is. In fact, as I continue to find awesome gifs, I will continue to post them here. "But," you say. "You even did another post that included four four's Ponyo animated gifs." Do I look like I think that makes this AMAZING CATBUS ANIMATION ANY LESS AWESOME? It is an animated gif. Of a catbus. It will run forever.

The first gif of Totoro with Mei is via glasspoppy on tumblr; Catbus gif is via and-b on tumblr; the Studio Ghibli intro gif is via podam on tumblr, though when I was trying to find credit I found that it was also on the lovegifs tumblr; the second gif of Totoro with Mei and the one of Satsuki gathering twigs are both from the lovegifs tumblr as well. 

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